What i’ll be writing about.

First off, thanks for actually taking the time to read this. in this blog i’ll be mainly writing about how i’ve been feeling over the past week and why i think i’ve been feeling that way. This blog, i think will help me to flesh out how i’m feeling and track down the exact cause. if you think you can help me feel free to comment below. i’ll try my best to update the blog  at least once a week which will be Saturday most likely. Enough about that, I’ll tell you about myself a bit. i’m 17 years of age, I love gaming and sport but I cannot live without music. I tried once and almost drove myself insane. I play a sport called Cycle Speedway (look it up), some of my favourite bands are: Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Foreigner, The Eagles, Sabaton and Soundgarden. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression early this year but i have been struugling with it on and off for nearly two years before my diagnosis. I was scared that no-one would like me if they knew i was depressed, so i hid it as much as I could but it just got considerably worse. I was crying myself to sleep most nights and having constant nightmares of me loosing all the people i loved. i’ll get into the reasons why in the next update but i thought you atleast have some idea on what i’m going to be talking about. sorry I know this is short but it’s just a intro to the blog. I’ll be changing the Quote below everytime i update
if you want to contact me directly feel free to Email me at harrisondelmenico@gmail.com

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

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